
Intelligent Manufacturing: leading made in China to the high end of global value chain


In recent years, the new technological revolution and industrial revolution are in the ascendant, bringing profound adjustment and revolutionary influence to the world industrial technology and division pattern. Intelligent manufacturing has become the core content of a new round of global manufacturing reform. Major countries and regions in the world have stepped up planning and layout, and actively participate in the re division of global manufacturing industry. The United States has formulated the national strategic plan for advanced manufacturing, which aims to vigorously promote the strategic layout of intelligent manufacturing characterized by "industrial 

Internet" and "new generation of robots". As an advocate of industry 4.0, Germany intends to lead the development of industry 4.0 standards such as smart factories. While Japan promotes the construction of "super intelligent society", it is committed to solve various social and economic problems caused by fewer children, aging and resource shortage by developing intelligent manufacturing and related technologies, so as to reshape the new competitive advantage of its manufacturing industry.

After 30 years of reform and opening up, China has become a real manufacturing power. The scale of manufacturing industry ranks first in the world, and its added value accounts for more than 20% of the world, becoming an important participant in the global value chain. However, on the whole, the characteristics of China's manufacturing industry are still obvious, the independent innovation ability is relatively weak, the core parts, key raw materials and major equipment are highly dependent on foreign countries, the resource consumption is large, the low-end production capacity is excessive, and the high-end supply is obviously insufficient. The industry as a whole is still in the middle and low-end of the global manufacturing chain. In recent years, with the gradual disappearance of demographic dividend, the continuous rise of factor cost and the weakening of traditional comparative advantage, how to realize the transformation from low value-added and labor-intensive mode to high-value-added and high-tech mode, and realize the transformation of new and old kinetic energy, has become an important problem faced by China's manufacturing industry.

Looking back on the development of the world economy, every industrial revolution always brings about a great increase in labor productivity and a great change in the mode of production.

At present, the scale of China's manufacturing industry has leapt to the first in the world, with the most complete industrial system in the world, and has become an important participant in the global value chain. However, on the whole, China's manufacturing industry is characterized by large but weak independent innovation capability, high resource consumption, overcapacity at the low-end, and obvious shortage of high-end supply. The industry as a whole is still in the middle and low-end of the global manufacturing chain. In the current situation of domestic development kinetic energy conversion and international competition intensifying, the development of intelligent manufacturing is an important way to achieve the strategic goal of industrial power.

Strengthen the comprehensive competitiveness of "made in China"

Under the new normal of economic development, intelligent manufacturing will become a new engine to accelerate the supply side structural reform and drive the transformation and upgrading of the manufacturing industry.

The essence of intelligent manufacturing is the interpenetration and integration of virtual network and physical production. By integrating the knowledge and experience of experts into the manufacturing activities such as perception, decision-making, execution, etc., the ability of online learning and knowledge evolution of product manufacturing is endowed, so that all enterprises and production units in the manufacturing system can effectively cooperate, which can greatly improve the demand for traditional labor while reducing the demand for traditional labor High productivity. Intelligent manufacturing is not only the breakthrough and application of single technology and equipment, but also relies on the deep integration and integration of manufacturing technology and information technology, such as equipment intelligence, design digitization, production automation, management modernization, marketing service grid, etc., to create new added value. With the application of sensors, Internet of things, big data and cloud computing, intelligent manufacturing can realize seamless docking between equipment and equipment, between equipment and factory, between factories, between upstream and downstream enterprises of the supply chain, and between enterprises and users. Enterprises can forecast user demand more accurately, carry out flexible production according to diversified and personalized needs of users, and monitor the whole production process in real time, so as to realize low-cost customized service.

For China, the function of intelligent manufacturing to improve production efficiency can help offset the impact of rising labor costs and maintain and strengthen the comprehensive competitiveness of "made in China". The transformation of manufacturing industry to intelligent manufacturing will produce a large number of demands for intelligent equipment, intelligent sensors, new materials, industrial software systems and related services, which can form a new industrial growth point. In addition, with the help of new production organization and business model, intelligent manufacturing can also realize the dynamic matching between manufacturing and market demand, which is conducive to reducing excess capacity and inventory, saving resources and energy, which is highly consistent with the target direction of supply side structural reform. The intelligent manufacturing industry will inject power and vitality to "make up for the weak points" and create a new driving force for economic development.

Intelligent upgrading still faces challenges

Due to the late start of industrialization, relatively weak technology accumulation and relatively low level of informatization, the intelligent upgrading of China's manufacturing industry is facing severe challenges.

First, the overall level of integration of "industrialization and industrialization" needs to be further improved. In China, the development of informatization among regions, industries and enterprises is not balanced. Some enterprises have begun to explore intelligence, but more enterprises are still in the stage of electrification, automation and even mechanization. Semi mechanization and manual production still exist in some underdeveloped areas. According to the data of the development report on the integration of informatization and industrialization of Chinese enterprises 2015, as of 2015, only 14.6% of the enterprises in China have a high level of informatization application, and only 3% of them have achieved cross enterprise business collaboration and mode innovation on the basis of comprehensive integration, but 40% have not yet carried out informatization construction. China's manufacturing industry is fully realized




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